30 Big Ideas from Seth Klarman´s Margin of Safety

25 de noviembre, 2013 2
Analista y Gestor de Fondos en Metagestión
Analista y Gestor de Fondos en Metagestión


Interesante presentación con las 30 ideas de Seth Klarman presentadas en el libro Margin Of Safety.

Since founding his investment partnership in 1983, Klarman has not only produced unrivaled returns (in excess of 20% per year), but he has also from time to time offered wise and timeless commentary on markets and the craft of investing.


#1: Value Investing isn’t Easy

#2: Being a Value Investor

#3: An Investor’s Worst Enemy

#4: It’s All about the Mindset

#5: Don’t Seek Mr. Market’s Advice

#6: Stock Price Vs Business Reality

#7: Price Vs Value  

#8: Emotions Play Havoc in Investing

#9: Stock Market ≠ Quick Money

#10: Stock Market Cycles

#11: How Big Investors Misbehave and Why They Underperform

#12: Short-Term, Relative-Performance Derby

#13: First, Avoid Losses

#14: Relevance of Temporary Price Fluctuations

#15: Reasonable & Consistent Returns > Spectacular & Volatile Returns 

#16: Prepare for the Worst

#17: Focus on Process, Not the Outcome

#18: Wait for the Right Pitch

#19: Complexity of Business Valuation

#20: Expecting Precision in Valuation

#21: Why Margin of Safety

#22: How Much Margin of Safety

#23: Three Elements of Value Investing

#24: Overpaying for Growth

#25: Shenanigans of Growth

#26: Conservatism and Growth Investing

#27: How Much Research and Analysis Are Sufficient?

#28: Value Investing and Contrarian Thinking

#29: Fallacy of Indexing

#30: It’s a Dangerous Place

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Y que es la segunda vez que Seth va a devolver dinero a sus clientes, ya que cada vez es más difícil poner todo el dinero en efectivo a trabajar :)

26/11/2013 17:05
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